Lady Gaga, who left the UK today to head back to LA, has come under fire from her fans for almost doubling her ticket prices for her return to the UK in May and June.
Originally, tickets for her "Monster Ball" tour were priced in the UK between £27.50 and £35.00 depending on seats and packages. For her return, however, prices have soared up to between £50.00 and £75.00 for the same show. This has, understandably, caused an outrage on GaGa's website, with fans firing rage and complaints her way.
Tour operator Live Nation has stated the ticket prices are "fair and comparable" due to the fact that the tour has been updated to a "first-rate arena production"... that not what it was anyway?!
Just how much of this is down to the fact that her UK dates sold out pretty quickly and the sheer popularity of the GaGa force at this time is not stated, obviously, but whether she'll sell out second time around still remains to be seen. Once thing to keep in mind though is that this is a management and tour promoter level decision, not that of Lady GaGa herself, so keep the direct insults to a low!
What is your opinion of the increased prices and will you still be going anyway?
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